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Everything posted by Exemplar

  1. So, recognizing that I'm the only poor unfortunate soul who still posts here...I'm dropping D&D Info dump for my current campaign, because yeeeeeee.
  2. Considering doing a play by post D&D Campaign and running it here. If anyone is interested, do me a favor and drop a post and we can chat options!
  3. I'mma do this with a small twist. Basically a cold war conflict between members of a clan trying to take control of it. Brother vs Brother, Cousin vs Cousin...lots of fun shit. Probably gonna open with the death of the current clan leader and everyone assuming it was some rival clan, but later it's revealed it's actually one of the members within the clan. Whoever it is would be completely random, decided by a diceroll or something. Anyway, yeah.
  4. To add onto this concept, I'm thinking that shortly after the 'Glitch" that locks everyone in the game, memories of life outside the game are lost. (I.E. You can't remember if you're actually logged into a game, or physically in the game world.) Memories of the outside world fade and the players are essentially required to learn what they can (make it up and help build the world) as they explore.
  5. Two cups of coffee + ADHD = lots of rapid posts. Apologies. 

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