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Insider Transactions Screener

The MarketBeat Insider Transactions Screener gives investors a one-stop resource to search for any insider trading activity by a public traded company for any quarter going back for over 20 years.

CompanyDateInsiderTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesPrice Per ShareTransaction TotalSEC Filing

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In a world where some top money managers say you should “diversify” with a basket of stocks to help lower risk in your portfolio… And others say you should focus on only one ticker at a time because you can’t really keep detailed tabs on 10, 20 or more stocks at once… My #1 strategy to play the Nasdaq bull run has shown the power to provide the best of BOTH worlds at the same time. Because it harnesses ONE ticker that bottles up all the firepower of Apple, Nvidia, Tesla and more into one place… While I cannot promise future returns or against losses… This strategy targets major payouts OVERNIGHT!